Friday, April 3, 2009

Back from the Dead?

Wow, it has been far too long loyal readers!

Now that school is over, I finally have the time to get my portfolio together the way I want it. The image above is a sneak preview from my first board game prototype "City of the Dead". Be on the lookout for my portfolio website featuring the full rundown of the game, including a video preview of how the product went from concept through the testing phase!

I recently got back from a week at GDC where I was volunteering for the CA program. It was, career wise, the greatest week I ever had. I went there to get my finger on the pulse of the game industry, and left with hundreds of contacts, dozens of new friends, and a new level of confidence about myself as a game designer. There is a lot I don't know, and I cant wait to learn it! If you are an aspiring developer or even an industry vet, for the love of god, sign up for this program (goes up late-November I believe).


Colin Sanders said...

You know that you only have 1 loyal reader, and that he has been reading NOTHING for the past 6 months.

Also, please allow me the device that ends school 2 weeks early so that I may join you for hamburgers.

Tyler Moore said...

Colin, which device wuut?

Colin Sanders said...

School STILL isn't over. Just because freedom is near it is no reason to be optimistic :p